Some of the pages here need to be uppdated. They were created as a reference library for a presentation I did at a Harm Reduction Conference years ago. As I uppdate this caption, the current content is centered on a local sex worker savior exploiting society’s stigmas against sex workers, by using her position of power to silence us, so she can cash in on being our voice. 10/03/23
Februrary 2, 2024
Just saving these here quick, til i can format better (forgot how lol)
In this instagram post from January 17, 2024, Heather Tuininga of Jernigan Foundation, indicates HNP’s latest Shine Hawaii fundraising campaign is based on a Bible verse, John 1:5, and also that people are either flying to Hawaii to emulate HNP’s ways, and Jessica Munoz of the group flys the world on her mission.
Hoola Na Pua boasted about taking $75,000 during Human Trafficking Awareness Month, based on misinformation about sex trafficking spread via this campaign named after John 1:5.
Bummer to see one of my favorite 90’s vocalists, DeeDee Magno-Hall from the pop group of Mouseketeers “The Party” as one of the likes on here. I hope she didn’t donate.
Jessica Munoz a Profile in Courage House - 2014
Jessica Munoz launched Courage House Hawaii
There’s too much to read and catch upp on.
Trafficking in ideologies, Jessica gets around. I wonder if the lower right pic is of her husband, the one who helped her build Courage House in Tanzania.
Hoola Na Pua is Courage House Hawaii - 2014
HNP Grant App Faith- 2015
Faith: As a non-religious organization, we are not without faith. The acknowledgement of a God greater than ourselves shall not be forsaken or forbidden among us.
HNP Grant App 2015 - Anticipate opening in 2017?
HNP Grant App 2015 - Heirarchy
HNP Grant App 2015 - I wonder if Jessica Munoz was taking $50,000 a year since 2015, even if they didn’t open a house til 2021, even though in this Grant App they predicted opening in 2017
HNP loses support because they offer nothing - from May 8, 2017 article “No turkey trot. Donors slip away from sex trafficking nonprofit” from by Marjie Lundstrom and Sam Stanton
HNP finally opens - 2021. I wonder how much in salaries everyone collected before they were even offering services (based on misinformation)
Hoola Na Pua, Incorporated - 2015
So that’s why they got inc’d
Courage House Gets Caught -2016
Now ⬆️
Then ⬇️
Wow, Jessica Munoz built the Courage House in Tanzania, on a site that used to host “some significant amount of witchcraft”.
Hoola Na Pua is Ministry Partner with Heal Our Land - 2021? I think it’s older
Khara’s Coven is Convening so they can Convert You to Her Q-Affirm Cult
November 5, 2022
I enjoy writing, yet haven’t finished a project for a while. It’s very punishing to have to do something I love, about someone I’m indifferent to. I don’t even hate these people. They’re clichés trying too hard. Been there, done that. Due to my “mostly male” privilege, I’m not directly harmed by what my colleagues -who aren’t guys- have to deal with, from “Women*’s” organizations.
[Sorry to those familiar with these characters if I get redundant. I thought more people would know who they are, so I’ll try to make them interesting. No pressure.]
Kaniela Ing Can’t Know This - KICKT Zine is based on this former Hawaii politician because I lost interest, after a commercial for his 2016 campaign for Congress, introduced his romantic partner to the world. He was a local social media darling for a minute, and seemed promising. But then the woman he was involved with (and is still making tv appearances with) started demanding more airtime and attention. Her tacky tactics and anointing antics have given her a rep for being entitled and annoying, as a political appointee, unfortunately leaving a stain on his peers’ perception of Kaniela.
The hapa haole girl who lit Kaniela’s gaslight goes by Khara Jabola-Carolus, but nobody knows how to say it. Who thought she’d be around so long, since no one voted for her? Somehow, she’s the unelected figurehead of the HSCSW* (Hawaii State Commission on the Status of Women*). Nobody knew her agenda. Lotta people still don’t know who she is. She just got the job like some WoManchurian Candidate. Or was it witchcraft?
If you know what her gimmicks are, you can tell which cartoon is supposed to be Khara in the oodles of doodles she gets drawn of herself amongst interesting people. Very millennial faux hipster ironic throwback knockoff wannabe, it seems to be working for her! She’s got the goofy glasses, and suppression of her half-White shame with POC projection and pickme performances. I miss doing drag….
Khara is also the downlow downplayed co-creator of a coven/cult called “Q-Affirm”, aka “The Gaslight Girls”, aka “Af3irm Hawaii”. Some might call Khara the “Soup Ream”, after seeing pics of the type of rituals they perform, and learn of their messy origins.
Others go so far as to call Khara the mother of their fowl movement. Read on to learn that it’s a “bowel movement", and as a member of the IBS Community, I disapprove of her message and methods.
Q-Affirm is prominently featured on the HSCSW* page at, and on Khara’s social media. Is it still “Separation of Church and State” if Khara’s cult doesn’t really believe in anything but her? If you try to read the weird stuff distributed by two of Khara’s main claims to fame, {HSWCW* and Q-Affirm] you’ll find all the perfectly pilfered paraphrases, twisted trendy topical terminology, insinuations of inclusiveness…. But you don’t gotta dig too deep for their own documented self-declarations of obtuse abusiveness.
Remember in March 2021, not long after a gunman targeted Asian massage parlor workers near Atlanta, Georgia? Less than two weeks after that tragedy, Khara congratulated Q-Affirm for their previous 2019 Halloween harassment of local massage parlor workers.
Some in the sex worker community were confused, and couldn’t tell if Khara was jealous of the attention another attack was getting, or if she was showing solidarity? Like wtf?
Oh my goddess! Khara’s Coven is Convening so they can Convert You to Her Q-Affirm Cult! I can neither Q-Confirm nor deny that anyone has told me they’ll give me the scoops on the poop squad, butt we’ll see…. I wouldn’t deny that I’m kinda tickled by the thought of whatever “Militant sisterhood is calling” is supposed to mean. It’s kinda laughable since Khara and Q-Affirm give off a more “Malintent & Sinister, goodness failing” kinda vibe, if you don’t jive with their jibberish.
Don’t you wanna know which witches will be there? Mikey or Maiki, or whoever was that alleged famous finger flinger featured in the Spookie Dookie photo shoot? Creepy Queen Khara, for sure, right? She’s not gonna miss the chance to be seen and looked at.
Omg, it’s like almost 4:20am, the day of the Khara’s Great Con Junktion, and having to think and write so much about her is putting me to sleep. I hope my mary jane meanderings contribute your understanding of these tedious, tired tyrants. Toodlooo
As little as i know about cult behavior, at least one thing’s consistent: Q-Affirm and the HSCSW* seem to meet in secret.
One deviant development evidenced by the era of Khara: her cult Q-Affirm’s cohorts don’t conceal their identities or proclivities online. They’re very open about who they are, but not always what they’re upp to.
Conversely, the Hawaii State tax payer-funded Commission on the Status of Women* doesn’t make it easy to find out who’s getting paid to make overreaching decisions impacting the citizenry. HSCSW* boasts about their bullshit, meanwhile is mysterious about its members. (Unless I’m mistaken, and someone else finds out who they are easy. DM me on IG @kicktzine)
Kaniela Ing Can’t Know This / K.I.C.K.T. Zine #1 / October 2022
October 30, 2022
I prefer paper, but knew I’d need a digital presence for my zine. Not just to reach more readers, but as my friends will say, to help it make sense. Thanks to the sex professionals, college professors, and punk rock people who took the time to give me feedback (recently and over time). I haven’t made a zine in years, so I got carried away with it all. Hopefully, this will help bring things closer to clear & concise.
HSCSW* & Q-Affirm’s Spookie Dookie
“Kaniela Ing Can’t Know This” (K.I.C.K.T.) is my zine’s name because, for a little while, the Maui politician seemed to have a lot to say about sex worker issues, much of it misguided. Meanwhile, I was aware of his relationship with someone named Khara Jabola-Carolus, the unelected figurehead of the Hawaii State Commission on the Status of Women* (HSCSW*). Along with this government position of privilege and power, Khara is also the suspected leader of an embarrassing cult known called “Q-Affirm”, aka “The Gaslight Girls”, aka “Af3irm Hawaii”.
For years, Khara has been making some public statements, and even attempting to pass legislation, that my sex worker colleagues and I consider to be whorephobic, and dangerous to our communities. I figured Kaniela must not realize that he was so close to someone unwilling to engage with the communities she pushes to have the most impact on. Then the more I read what Khara was publishing, I thought perhaps Kaniela Ing Can’t Know This information, because ignorance is bliss. Happy wife, happy life… even though I don’t think they’re married.
FYI: While reading KICKT Zine #1, the dark text on light background are my words. The White words are those of Khara Jabola-Carolus, Q-Affirm, or the people holding them accountable.
Pages 1 & 2 are from a thread on Khara Jabola-Carolus’s twitter acount @KharaJabola. Her March 28, 2021 statements come less than two weeks after the March 16 mass shooting attacks on Asian massage parlors in Atlanta, Georgia. In her tweets, Khara claims that dabbling in the dark arts is an appropriate way to help Asia/Pacific Islander women who didn’t ask for her help. Others see this sinister act as inappropriate cultural appropriation, with unknown and unintended repercussions.
Pages 3, 4, 5 & 6 are images and words from a Halloween 2019 post on Q-Affirm’s instagram account @af3irmhawaii. Documentation of a dirty deed. This post is still public online, 4 pictures showing what many consider to be an act of terrorism against a marginalized group. The social media account manager displays why Q-Affirm is also known as The Gaslight Girls, responding dismissively, while intentionally misrepresenting the words of anyone who calls Q-Affirm out on their misbehavior.
I guess the main gist of KICKT Zine #1 is, “Whose hand is in that picture? And what did Khara Jabola-Carolus and her Q-Affirm cult expect to accomplish by playing with poop, then painting pentacles on the doors of places they believed women were doing sex work?”
Page 7 is an excerpt from a conversation in the facebook group “Medicare For All Hawaii”. I can’t find the link, but it wouldn’t matter, because Khara Jabola-Carolus deleted everything she said. Luckily I kept receipts. This one is her response after a long discussion where Khara made a lot of claims, but had no links or other reference materials to support what she was saying. She just tried to namedrop groups and orgs doing work I bet she wish she could take credit for. I view this rotted resumé of sorts, as proof that Khara Jabola-Carolus has a bias against adults who choose to support ourselves by trading sexual services for something of value. Sex workers come from all across the gender spectrum, and every social and economic background, and we are all harmed by Khara’s disregard for our voices.
Support HB 1533 to decriminalize sex work in Hawaii
January 10, 2018
Aloha! Welcome to my first attempt at a website. The focus of this one is the different legal approaches to sex work. I'll try to adapt and improve the design as I learn more.
If you saw / missed / skipped my presentation "Models and Agency" with Kimberlee Cline at the 2018 Harm Reduction Hawaii Conference called "Deconstructing Sex Work and Sex Trafficking", and wanna see the videos we played, I'll post them below. I'm putting a little more tweaks on the slide show, and hope to have that available soon. It's all a work in progress.
For those who saw the presentation, thank you for watching and I hope it was informative and useful. Those who gave feedback were helpful, and I am grateful. Mahalo.
I hope the site is easy to navigate, and that any changes are for the better. Please feel free to email me any questions or comments at with the subject "Contraflow". :)
Thanks for your time!
Doug Upp
Sex Work: The Four Legal Models (03:51)
From Sex Worker Education Advocacy Taskforce (SWEAT) in South Africa, where I heard they may have just decriminalized sex work, this animation explains the four legal models used to handle sex work: Criminalization, Partial Criminalization (Swedish / Nordic / End Demand), Legalization and Decriminalization.
Why Decriminalize Sex Work? (03:02)
The New York Anti-Trafficking Network (NYATN) explains why criminalization is a bad way to address human trafficking, and why a human rights approach is the best way to help and empower people.
A Swedish Sex Worker on the Criminalization of Clients (09:57)
Pye Jacobsson from Sex Worker Rights Advocacy Network (SWAN) and Rose Alliance, explains the negative effects of Partial Criminalization (designed to help people who are assumed to be victims) in Sweden. The title of this video is a quote from it: "We Want to Save You, and If You Don't Appreciate It, You Will Be Punished."
Sex workers talk about Their Most Expensive Service: Companionship (03:36)
Christina Pereira, Alice Little, and Harley Lane who work at the Moonlight Bunny Ranch in Nevada talk about the "Girlfriend Experience", and other aspects of their job in a legal brothel.
SEX WORK IN NEW ZEALAND: The Decriminalization Model (13:13)
Catherine Healy, Calum Bennachie and Annah Pickering of the New Zealand Prostitutes Collective (NZPC) discuss the positive effects of decriminalizing sex work in New Zealand since 2003. While they acknowledge that mistreatment does still occur, sex worker feel they can report it without legal trouble due to their job.